Subject: RE: Reporting of Securities Loans [File No. S7-18-21]
From: PETER K.

Oct. 30, 2022


Vanessa Countryman, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-0609

Re: Reporting of Securities Loans [File No. S7-18-21]

Dear Secretary Countryman:

I am an American citizen writing in support of rule 10c-1, “Reporting of Securities Loans” [File No. S7-18-21], to ensure a free and transparent marketplace devoid of illegal naked short selling, dark pool trading, swaps, Failures-To-Deliver, and Payment-For-Order-Flow algorithms designed to rob Retail Investors -- the taxpaying "public" Wall Street thinks they're "better than" -- of their rights, pensions, and the "American Dream" itself.

Of course the Powers That Bribe Lobby want to continue milking their cash cows, keeping Retail Investors blind, deaf, and dumb.  Too bad.  Your job is to uphold Fiduciary Duty -- because without Fiat, there is no Fiat Currency, and the whole world would stop investing in the United States, and suddenly Central Banks wouldn't hold any of the power they currently enjoy abuse.  What happens to America's precious "World Reserve Currency status" when its markets are all revealed to be rotten, gangrenous, and treacherous?

Who's going to buy all those precious T-Bonds if everyone's broke?  Instead of heralding a fair and fantastic future for all, why be COMPLICIT in setting off World War III: The Economic Endgame?

Because kicking the can down the road to 2025 isn't going to prevent MOASS, nor will it prevent people from continuing to unravel all the systemic corruption that enabled MOASS in the first place.  Enforcing transparency would go a long way in restoring people's trust in centralized markets.  Because, after the way you guys handled 2008,  the whole goddamn world is watching, this time much more closely.

So please do the right thing -- for the People, not the oligarchs.  The weight of history is upon you.


A Motivated Activist Investor