Subject: Re: Reporting of Securities Loans (File No. S7-18-21)
From: Ramesh Reddy

Oct. 30, 2022


Vanessa Countryman, Secretary 

I am writing in strong support of rule 10c-1, “Reporting of Securities Loans”.

Currently Retail investors are not  aware of the risks that they take on when buying securities as short sale information is provided long after a position has been entered into.This lack of information would represent a problem for all investors, who are expected to invest on incomplete and dated short sale information.

 I support the intraday 15 minute reporting requirement. The cost and effort involved with this is justified to help in early identification of abusive shorting practices, to reduce the ability of toxic market participants to hide behind loopholes and to attempt to prevent such fraud occurring in the capital markets.   


Ramesh Bodhireddy