Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from William Moxley
From: William Moxley

Oct. 30, 2022


 October 30, 2022

 As a lifelong market participant I still cannot understand why the SEC would allow short sale positions to be self-reported and obfuscated from the public. Any intelligent investor deserves to know the TRUE short interest on a security they choose to invest in. Allowing this information to be self-reported gives us a murky view of what the true short-interest is and prevents us from making informed decisions about which securities we are investing in have been subjected to excessive short selling, whether legally or illegally. I have read enough SEC information about previous illegal short selling tactics and the associated fines to know that the current framework is so problematic and this must be addressed for a free and fair market to exist. I would like to continue investing and plan to do so, as long as I can keep faith that the SEC is acting with individual market participants' best interests in mind.