Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Troy Taylor
From: Troy Taylor

Oct. 31, 2022


 October 31, 2022

 Dear Sir or Madam,

Again, I do not feel that my voice will be heard. A retail investor, waiting for my failure that is inevitable. Why? Because I do not see the SEC being able to/ being allowed to do their job.

It has been shown over the past few years (DECADES) that if you, the SEC, is not/does not do something about the failure of our markets - you are simply part of the failure. By NOT showing retail/investors shares on loan/sold short/borrowed to cover FTD/any other reason - investors do not have the adequate data to make realistic investments. IF short selling is being over utilized (brutalized in forcing a company out of business - but no data to show?) and creating more shares than should be in existence - this is FRAUD. Technical analysis is not applicable due to hidden negative impacts. Positive buying pressure added to dark pools/internalization should be illegal (isn't it already?) - loss of price discovery is in fact, loss of free and fair markets.

By not having transparency across multiple aspects of the market system has created a market system that is reliant on obfuscation to those that are outside of the \"self-regulated\" family. I feel that the retail investor is being hung out to dry by parties that are less than moral, theft is happening in many aspects of our market (legal according the you, the watchdog for retail), with no recourse for \"We the People\".

Parties that make dirty bets, force companies into poor positions for leveraged buyout or bankruptcies, or deal with/in international markets - steal from retail investors with pfof/ftds/swaps/shorts - but are made whole when they fail by tax payers...the same people they stole from in the first place.

Maybe I am incorrect in my assumptions. Maybe I am incorrect in my feel of being ripped off, again and again.

But, for the life of me, I can't see the data to support that I am incorrect.

Free and Fair. Open and transparent.

Please help bring the market back to where it should be. Fundamentals of business, not the bets of what should be considered \"financial terrorists\".

Stand up to the politicians that want to keep the market behind closed doors. Stand up to the financial institution that says it will be bad for their business (that means they NEED the market to be hidden - that should be telling, at least to someone like me it is).

Anyway, best of luck.
See if you can get the trust back into the system. Because right now, there isn't much there.