Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Nathaniel Van Duine
From: Nathaniel Van Duine

Oct. 30, 2022


 October 30, 2022

 Please require that there is more transparency and with security lending practices. It is evident from the January 2021 GameStop reports that there was over 140% of the shares sold short. It is possible currently that over 100% of shares are sold short because a single share could be lent multiple times. If we required more up-to-date reporting on share lending we reduce the likelihood that the same share could be lent out multiple time thus resulting what in effect is known as naked short selling. Naked short selling has a negative impact on a companys market value by artificially inflating the number of shares in a publicly traded company. These artificial shares have the same impact as inflation on fiat currency devaluing the market value. It is in the best interest of the public company as well as the investors in said company, that mandatory reporting of share lending occur multiple times per business day. Thank you,