Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from L.Day
From: L.Day
Affiliation: Retail investor

Oct. 29, 2022

October 29, 2022

 Imagine someone went into your garage and \"borrowed\" your car without telling you? Now imagine they sold that car and didn't tell you? Now imagine you reported it stolen and the police said it was okay because the people who took it needed it to line their pockets and when (or if)it was returned it was worth less?

If you personalize what is happening, the answer is obvious...this is theft. And it's accomplished in secrecy. Transparency creates accountability.

You have a personal responsibility to protect retail.What side of history do you want to be on? Who are you working to project and why? Real people are getting hurt. We aren't just data on a spread sheet, or numbers in a bank account. When no one is held accountable, when no one is policing or requiring transparency, these abusive practices continue.  The SEC has a responsibility to police. Its a hard job but when you don't do it, you are not just failing- you are enabling.  Do what's right, require transparency.