Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Jeff Cromer
From: Jeff Cromer

Oct. 31, 2022


 October 31, 2022

 I believe strongly in the transparency of our markets, and I feel that this rule is a strong step in the right direction, and I hope to see many more like it. I support transparency and public disclosure of this data. I support transaction-by-transaction reporting because it eliminates the ability to hide and obfuscate the data within an aggregate. I support the 15-minute reporting requirement, and the cost required is justified by the value it brings to the safety and transparency of the markets. This rule would help make a difference for the struggling working families that are often victimized by predatory financial practices. Additionally, this ruling would help companies better defend themselves against predatory actions such as short selling, which harms true competition and price discovery. Short selling and other predatory financial practices do not protect retail investors, but instead work to diminish their ability to engage in fair markets. Retail and common working famil
 ies will benefit from the increased transparency that this rule will bring, and will allow the public to monitor predatory practices and better assist the SEC's efforts to protect the integrity of the markets. If left unchecked, there's serious dangers inherent in long, untracked lending chains that harm the markets. Please finalize this ruling as soon as possible, as it will go a long way toward repairing my trust in the markets, and the SEC.