Subject: Short selling/swap transparency
From: Charles Musick

Oct. 31, 2022

Rostin Benham has one job, to report swaps. He tried to hide them from the public with the full knowledge that they are being used for systemic fraud by wall street criminals. This is racketeering at its finest. What we have been witnessing in the US markets since Jan 2021 is a massive display of organized crime by big institutions who took out large short positions in a massive short and distort campaign. When the trade turned against them, they began to use swaps to bend the rules, like a banker in the game of monopoly who refuses to lose and cheats. It boils down to this-Large criminal institutions engaged in an illegal short and distort campaign against many stocks, primarily gamestop. They used different methods of creating synthetic shares such as conversion trading to attempt to illegally drop the share price. When the price went up, these organized criminals began to abuse swaps in order to buy time and defraud retail investors. Rostin Benham, likely at the behest of organized criminals that he seeks future employment under, tried to hide all swap data which is his one job to report. It seems many of our regulators are also engaged in this organized crime, such as Hester Pierce who always votes in favor of what organized criminals propose.