Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Wolodomyr Lewinsky
From: Wolodomyr Lewinsky
Affiliation: Financial Accountant (non-certified)

Oct. 18, 2022

October 18, 2022

 Dear SEC,

Thank you for reopening the public comments section to a number of rules proposals. The lauded initiative is very welcome and truly endearing

This comment is being made to S7-18-21, Reporting of Securities Loans.

I hope that not another 'technical error' will sweep the comments from SEC's web server and hard drives this time.
Actually, technical issues have been widely known in former Soviet republics, such as in my home country, Kazakhstan. Some people even claim that the Soviet Union only collapsed due to an erroneous money wire that was transferred to the Cuba government in 1988. Apparently, the wire transfer had  'accidentally' been fat-fingered by a lowly bank clerk with supposedly Cuban roots at Moscow Narodny Bank in London -- but I digress.

I would like to politely, yet firmly reiterate how important it is for a fair and well-functioning U.S. financial market -- open to investors  all around the world -- that the accurate and transparent reporting of securities loans is ensured on a timely basis, accessible to all market participants, and free of charge.

Accommodating to financial regulation should be considered a cost of doing business for any participant in the financial markets.

W. Lewinsky

P.S. As we like to say in Kazakhstan: \"In Kazakhstan, optimist learns to speak Russian. Pessimist learns to speak Chinese.\"