Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Makoto Kuribayashi
From: Makoto Kuribayashi
Affiliation: US Navy

Oct. 12, 2022

October 12, 2022

 The market is not fair to the ordinary investor if the company they support is being shorted to oblivion by greedy financial institutions. It is only right that any positions, particularly short positions, must be public knowledge to prevent fraud and abuse. This allows both parties from opposite sides of a bet to have a fair and equal footing in the markets, and give the shorted company a chance to appropriately address the short theses and properly defend themselves.

Dark pools should also be banned in this case, to allow for full transparency and allow natural demand for things to occur unimpeded. I do hope that the SEC will do its duty to the people, by looking at the likes of certain market makers/hedge funds that are blatantly using the stock market as their personal moneymaking machine at the expense of the ordinary American.