Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from William Barnes
From: William Barnes
Affiliation: Registered Nurse

Oct. 12, 2022

October 12, 2022

 I am in full support of this new rule. If you are about protecting working families then this rule is necessary. If we cant determine whether a company is on downfall because of shorting how are we supposed to be able to invest our money safely? How are we supposed to know if a company is being cellar boxed into oblivion? These hedge funds certainly know and they dont want us to know because then they can benefit from our investments because we dont have the full picture like they do. This requirement is necessary to level the playing field with HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR FUNDS who are actively exploiting and manipulating the system to make themselves more money at the expense of smaller family investments. Their comments about it taking away from their profits is the most narcissistic thing Ive ever heard. They will gladly bankrupt someone smaller than themselves in order to make people with tons of money even more money. They made their money by lying and manipulating the system to pa
 y fines as cost of business while still making tons of money.

Pass this rule. Its one small step in many to fix the current market structure debacle.