Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Thomas Zugarramurdi
From: Thomas Zugarramurdi
Affiliation: CyberSecurity Consulant

Oct. 09, 2022

October 9, 2022

 Hello Team,

As a french investor in the US Stock Market, I believe that changes need to happen on how actors in the financial sector are monitored.

From my (little) understanding because I'm a retail investor, it seems to me that the system is letting powerful actors do what they want without being fined for illegal practices.

The actual way of reporting securities loan doesn't work. Because if it was working, we wouldn't have to deal with tons of Failures to Deliver (FTD). Today, these numbers are reporting via the filling of some excel sheets. This is not acceptable in the 21st century where technological possibilities are extraordinary.
The reporting of securities loan should be entirely automatic and more often performed to be considered reliable.

Because the lack of enforcement only benefit the ones who are cheating, retail investors are left with incomplete information.

Disclosing in real time (15 min intervals) any institution/bank/hedge fund's positions will be a real nightmare for them because, as you may have noticed, retail is getting stronger, more informed and more intelligent. We will fore sure monitor these positions and be aware of what is happening. Even if this sounds \"normal\" to me, I believe great actors are not in favor of this rule that will lower their capabilities of continuing to work as they have been working for decades.

The game is changing and everyone one knows that, and it goes far beyond the \"Memestockmania\" you created thanks to taxpayer money. Retail is getting more and more educated and deserves respect.

\"If breaking the law costs you a fine, then this loaw only applies to the poor.\"

Please, consider this comment.
You are in charge of monitoring the way the financial markets work and make it work the best for everyone.
I would be thankful to keep this in mind.

I'm convinced that if you do not satisfy retail traders and companies (which stock are being manipulated), you will witness the greatest exodus out of the US stock market because new alternatives, new markets will come out with better rules and enforcement.

Thank you for considering this comment.