Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Samantha Wraysford
From: Samantha Wraysford
Affiliation: Retail Investor

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022
I feel strongly that improved reporting cadence will benefit retail investors making informed decisions on heavily shorted securities. My belief is that this will close a loophole that is being exploited by large funds to the detriment of the individual investor who is already struggling to discover a fair price for stocks.

It is also currently too difficult to trust financial press when they report on particular securities as these are often heavily shorted or controlled by large funds who pay for articles supporting stocks they manipulate. Having improved reporting on shorts will go some way to reducing the numbers of investors who think they are relying on unbiased information when they are just handing their savings over to hedge funds.

I appreciate that it will be technically more challenging for hedge funds to implement a faster frequency of reporting, however this improved reporting will also work to assuage the view of many retail investors that the stock market has become a casino and the price of securities bears little resemblance to the actual performance of the company.

Overall I fully support the changes outlined in 10c-1.