Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Karl Adrian
From: Karl Adrian

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022

 First of all, I find it ridiculous that ANY comment you had was lost. How incompetent is your IT department?  You need to bring transparency to and/or just completely end short selling. You have disenfranchised an entire investing generation so far with how poor you have been handling this issue. I can tell you that I have consciously invested far less in the stock market over the past few years as it has come to light how rampant short selling has become and the damage it has done to so many companies. You focus on meme stocks but its far bigger than just these stocks. You have also refused to hold companies accountable or have appropriate investigations into companies like CITADEL. Ive lost so much faith in the SEC, that I no longer believe they have the competency to oversee things. I hope every single one of you are replaced in the years to come.