Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Jonathan Leone
From: Jonathan Leone

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022

 October 8, 2022

Vanessa Countryman, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-0609

Re:Reporting of Securities Loans (File No. S7-18-21)

Dear Secretary Countryman,

I am writing in strong support of rule 10c-1, Reporting of Securities Loans.  Hedge funds must not be allowed to hide the selling of synthetic shares (which is illegal). They have been, and are, destroying he markets. They have had an unfair advantage over retail for too long.  The transparency that passing this rule will provide will allow for a more fair and free market. Why would hedge funds, including Citadel Securities, want this rule to not pass so badly?  My guess is they have been lying about what securities/how many they have been selling. The truth needs to come out. Thank you.


Jonathan Leone