Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from James Hardy
From: James Hardy

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022

 October 8th, 2022

Vanessa Countryman, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-0609

Re: Reporting of Securities Loans (File No. S7-18-21)

Dear Secretary Countryman:
I am writing in strong support of rule 10c-1, Reporting of Securities Loans.
I strongly feel that without mandatory reporting, individual citizens (working families) are at a disadvantage compared to predatory fund managers. I want each transaction-by-transaction reported under the 15 minute reporting requirement. Though Im not speaking on behalf of a company, I believe that victimized companies need better protection against the predatory organization, who are not investing in the economy, but try to profit by tearing it down. I feel that I have more options, which is good for competition, when it comes to retail when retail companies can be aware of these attacks.

Please support this reporting mandate.

A Concerned Investor, James Hardy