Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Enrique Deaguila
From: Enrique Deaguila

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022
Transaction by transaction reporting is necessary. Retail investors need the ability to look into every last bit of any transaction in a free and fair and transparent market. If we dont have access to every detail then we are at a disadvantage. 15 minute reporting is a necessity. Working familys and everyday people are victimized by financial predators who use lack of transparency to benefit the few and hurt others. In addition victimized companies need to be able to defend themselves along with their shareholders from predators. Short selling in the dark harms true competition and price discovery. A short seller is NOT an investor. And retail would benefit from absolute transparency. Lack of transparency and enforcement has fostered behaviors that can be and have been detrimental to economies.