Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Donald MacDougall
From: Donald MacDougall
Affiliation: Individual Investor, Husband, Father, American

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022
October 8th, 2022

Vanessa Countryman, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-0609

Re: Reporting of Securities Loans (File No. S7-18-21)

Dear Secretary Countryman:

I am writing in strong support of rule 10c-1, Reporting of Securities Loans.

For too long hedge funds and market makers have put this economy and the country in economic peril for their own self-satisfaction and greed. Short selling and naked short selling are the foundational play in their playbook to do this. Who are they to decide whether a company should survive or not? Who are they? Do they toil day in and day out trying to make a business a success. No. They see a target and abuse the rules to feed their corruption.

Forcing them to report their lending practices will be a start to even the playing field for investors  retail investors. The overwhelming majority of the market in terms of individuals. Please pass this rule and put some competitiveness back into the market. Let the market decide which companies survive and thrive or not. Dont leave it in the hands of greedy manipulative hedge funds who are a parasite on the economy.


A Concerned Investor