Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from David King
From: David King
Affiliation: Software Engineer

Oct. 09, 2022

October 9, 2022

 To whom it may concern,

It's very disturbing to hear the SEC just happened to \"lose\" comments on this very important proposal.

So \"Citadel\", a \"Market Maker\" for roughly 50% of securities in the U.S, is vehemently opposed to having to report it's short sale positions.

Do you not see how absolutely [REDACTED] this is? They literally PAY brokers for ORDER FLOW, so they can see everyone else's trades and front-run them.

Citadel ALREADY HAS most everyone else trading information, and they don't want to have to report their own trading positions, because it might increase the risk of \"copycat trading\" or some such BS.

How is it that these guys are allowed to exist at all? Unfortunately in the U.S being a \"Market Maker\" means having a license to naked short securities to \"facilitate trading\" and provide \"liquidity\". We don't need 1000% of a securities float re-sold for \"liquidity\" purposes, we simply need an entity that joins buy and sell orders together without creating fake shares, which will lead to actual price discovery.

I'm so sick of central banks like J.P Morgan, BofA, and countless others, acting like defrauding the American public is just one big party and business as usual.

How is it that these entities are allowed to over-leverage cash that isn't theirs, essentially betting with money Americans have saved in banks, or in pension funds, or other places --- and then make the RISKIEST types of bets in the stock market.

So when all of these entities are caught with their pants down, and we see who is swimming naked, how is it that they are allowed to just off-load their losing stock market bets onto the taxpayer and just continue with business as usual?

Are we just going to have another 2008 crash and bailout, which some have estimated the real cost being close to 30 trillion dollars?

We need transparency and frequent reporting of short positions to prevent this type of abuse of our economy.

You know the central banks are underwater because they sell securities they don't own (naked shorting) to the point where their entire business is over-leveraged.

And you just want to keep giving them a free pass by letting them offload their bad investments onto the taxpayer -- selling these [REDACTED] bets that have now failed to various entities like Pension Funds, Insurance Companies, or any other institution where you can offload it onto the general taxpayer.

Speaking of which, I know there is some upcoming legislation to expand the types of \"investments\" that 401ks are allowed to make, so they can make \"riskier\" investments and \"outpace inflation\". You must think we are all a bunch of [REDACTED] idiots. I can see you getting ready to [REDACTED] all of America's retirement a mile away. Oh their retirement fund just happened to \"invest\" in this \"bag-o-[REDACTED]\" that contains millions of naked shorting swaps or ETFs or whatever the [REDACTED] you try and hide your horrible investments in nowadays.

We ought to use distributed ledger technology to completely replace reporting and accounting transactions, and probably even the entire market maker entity. With this technology we can prevent organizations from abusing their positions, such as brokers falsifying stock purchase dates and accounting records.

So once the SEC, FED, Central Banks, Market Makers, and Big Media decide to stop jerking each other off and handing each other free taxpayer money, and the economy is [REDACTED], what next?

Why do we even have a private organization controlling America's financial money? How is the FED allowed to exist? They clearly raise or lower interest rates according to their own interests -- highlighted by the fact that various FED members SOLD all of their securities at the very top of the market to avoid \"conflicts of interest\"... right before they started hiking interest rates which affects the price of securities negatively.

This entire system is so [REDACTED] corrupt its disgusting.