Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Chase Brackett
From: Chase Brackett
Affiliation: Professional Software Developer

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022

 To whom it Concerns,
I am writing this to support of rule 10c-1, Reporting of Securities Loans.

This rule will protect the investors and will help create a equal playing field for those who are wanting to invest in stocks. Too many times are the individual stock holders giving the short straw and left holding the bag because we have incomplete information. Larger funds are able to abuse loopholes and push money back and forth to prevent paying fines while corporations and the retail investors lose out big time. Without this rule there are no drawbacks to destroy a stocks price by shorting it to death then picking up the tab after it forecloses. Help shed light for the retail investors.

A very concerned Investor