Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Brayden Bubp
From: Brayden Bubp

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022

 It is imperative that this rule is passed. Tightening the reporting of securities loans provides market transparency like never before. It will dampen the abusive short selling hedge funds conduct on a daily basis. Large institutions have been shown to skirt the system on reporting, proven by the SECs recent investigation resulting in billions in fines. I believe this rule will mitigate large institutions illegal activity. This is a huge opportunity for the market to head towards being truly free and fair. The entire ecosystem of investing needs this rule to pass. It will help prevent more crashes such as the dot com and 08 crash. It will allow companies to fight back against abusive short selling more quickly, and effectively. It will allow retail investors to make more educated, and calculated investments. This rule will be crucial for the future of our economy. Thank you