Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022
 Salutations most esteemed commission, I know everyone of you is of very high intelligence and you understand that your sole purpose and the reason you are paid is to maintain fair markets for the citizens of the USA. The largest part of fair markets is transparency, far reaching and the most comprehensive transparency that can be obtained. Not the illusion of transparency, true transparency. To this point is where the complete and total reporting of short positions must be conducted. Although this rule may not benefit institutions you must do right by the people, you are not beholden to protect institutions. You are beholden to protect retail from institutions who subvert the laws and utilize loopholes to steal from the American people. let your moral compass guide you to passing this short disclosure rule swiftly and totally. If this is not passed it will be very clear that you the commission DOES NOT have retails back but instead is protecting institutions and hedge funds.