Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Adam Schiefer
From: Adam Schiefer
Affiliation: Concerned Investor

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022

 The level of complicit corruption in the market it astounding. The problems have been addressed through multiple channels and yet we still see the same loopholes stay open in order to protect large firms over the everyday investor.

The Commission, in proposed rule 13f-2, explicitly noted its awareness of the myriad ways in which short selling can be used to abuse individual investors and working families. In proposed rule 13f-2, the Commission said it is ...mindful of concerns that certain short selling activity can be carried out pursuant to potentially abusive or manipulative schemes. For instance, market manipulators may seek to spread false information about an issuer whose stock they sold short in order to profit from a resulting decline in the stocks price. The Commission has previously noted various other forms of manipulation that can be advanced by short sellers to illegally manipulate stock prices, such as bear raids.

Millions of individual investors are watching to see if the morality of SEC officials decides to make an appearance.