Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Anonymous (Profanity Flag)
From: Anonymous

Aug. 17, 2022

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

 "apiVersion": 1.0,
 "commentMetadata": {
" August 17, 2022

 As a long time retail investor that has only recently become more educated on the stock market, I am appalled to find how little transparency there is to the retail investor regarding security loans/short sales. I applaud this rule as written as a way to bring more transparency to all market participants, not just those insiders that have access to different reporting tools than individual retail investors. Additionally I am in favor of the 15 minute reporting, transaction by transaction - I beleive this prevents fraud by preventing nefarious companies the ability to hide their positions in the aggregate. There are many financial predators and bad actors targeting vulnerable comapnies with shorting and transparency is one major way to combat these attacks on companies that are looking to only improve the human experience with fruitful, creative, and productive goods and services. This rule as written will help these victimized companies with true competition and price discovery by k
 eeping the short sales out of the dark and into the lit market. Reatil is getting more and more educated and many of us are prepared to be a first line of defense against these bad actors, but we need the help of this rule on reporting of security loans in order to report fraud and expose predatory companies in real time. Finally, I want to be able to asses my own risk in the market to make informed decisions about my own financial future. If companies/hedge funds/etc are allowed to continue to short in the dark, that leaves the majority of retail investors like myself woefully at a disadvantage when trying to make sound financial decisions. And as I have dissappointingly learned these past 18 months, my broker does not always have my best interest at the fore. Thank you for crafting such a thoughtful and detailed rule that will bring much needed transparency to the market regarding Security Loans. I hope you will keep the rule as written.
 "commenterInfo": {
                "lastName": "Anonymous",
                 "affiliation": "",
                "commenterAddress": {
                                "streetAddress": "",
                                 "city": "",
                                 "state": "",
                                  "zip": "",
                                 "country": "United States"
                "email": "",
                 "phone": "415-896-1734"
 "submitterInfo": {
                 "isThirdParty": "false",
                 "submitterName": "",
                 "submitterOrganization": "",
                 "isAffiliated": "true",
                 "affiliationName": "Internet - reddit"
"rulingInfo": {
                 "fileNumber": "S7-18-21",
                  "ruling": "s71821",
                  "rulePath": "/comments/s7-18-21",
                 "title": "Reporting of Securities Loans"
"commentDate": "August 17, 2022",
 "htmlFilename": "s71821-nnnn.htm",
"uploadFilename": []
