Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Chris L Ross
From: Chris L Ross

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 I entirely support transaction-by-transaction reporting to bring transparency within our markets around short selling.
Transparency is a minimum threshold for honest, free, and fair markets. Although some of the larger financial entities will appose this, I believe transparency is very important to have an open and free market.
I support the proposed 15-minute reporting requirement for short sales, and believe the time, capital and energy costs required to implement this change is well worth fraud prevention and market integrity that it would enable.
True price discovery is harmed by a small group of well-capitalized funds that box in companies' growth opportunities based on their own interests. Victimized organizations need better tools to assist them in situations where they are being targeted maliciously, and watering down ANY of the SEC recommendations in this proposal hurts fair price discovery in our markets.
Retail investors are punished by a system that allows financial institutions to prey on their portfolios in the dark, with less capital, with less information available to them, slower systems, and rules bent against them by financial institutions claiming to pretend to have their best interests in mind.
A very desirable and new phenomenon is that the investing public has become an investing watchdog for our markets over the past several years, with increased visibility around high-profile activity in the financial world as a result. The markets will benefit massively from this proposal, as it will also equip and empower those watchdogs to hold market participants accountable, which is much needed.
I appreciate your time reading this comment, and look forward to seeing this proposal pass in the originally proposed form.
Concerned Retail Investor