Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Nathan Bower
From: Nathan Bower

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 I welcome more transparency.

A 15 second window could be implemented, but 15 minutes is an enormous step in the right direction.

I am an international investor into the US markets, and I am concerned that the cat is being asked to look after the mice too often - and no reporting on mouse numbers is available.

 I dont think there is any good reason for short activity should be allowed to be hidden.

I think issuers should have the right to see short activity on a per transaction and rapid time frame basis. Otherwise there is a risk of the short being made not on fundamentals but as an attack that cannot be rebuffed. Its not fair.

Additionally unreported short activities could build to a point where they pose a systemic threat.

Thank you for making efforts in this regard. If the activities conducted using securities loans is moral and  just - no one should have a problem on it being visible + reported.