Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Mr. K. P.
From: Mr. K. P.
Affiliation: Graphic Designer

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 As an active investor who seeks to understand the market both in whole and in part, I wholeheartedly  support the decision to increase market transparency. All of the proposed changes to reporting frequency, as well as the increase in data reported by funds and other applicable market participants will allow the market as a whole to flourish. The 15 minute reporting window seems generous, if anything. Any opinion to the contrary, in a supposed open market, can only serve the interests of preserving an unfair advantage over others, which is the antithesis of a fair and open market.

Doubtless, many large funds would rather continue to be able to  operate as opaque monoliths, aggregating massive amounts of potentially fraudulent  or manipulative trades into tidy, unassuming numbers on an infrequently shared spreadsheet. However, in doing so, these institutions  gain much undue advantage over true retail market participants.

As a small individual investor concerned with the corruption currently rampant and unmanaged on wallstreet, I fully support this unusual but timely effort for transparency championed by the SEC.
I look forward to similar initiatives in the near future. This proposal, while a step in the correct direction, is actually not nearly enough to truly allow small investors to place their trust (money) in the market. After all, if a good retirement seems more likely to come from an exiled Nigerian prince than the U.S. stock market, we ALL have a problem.

Thank you for considering these humble words. As a closing message I leave this final thought: Citadel, Susquehanna,  co.-- Get [redacted] Just like the small investors you have been [redacted] over.


Mr. K.P.([redacted] investor and graphic designer)