Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Paul Pathiakis
From: Paul Pathiakis
Affiliation: Retail investor

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 Good day,

As a computer systems architect, I applaud the use of 15 minute turnaround in market settlement.  As this only enhances the transparency of the market and allows higher visibility with little or no additional costs to those reporting, it can only be a 'good thing' to modernize the system through the use of computer-based reporting in a much shorter time frame.  I completely disagree with other comments about the 'inherent, continuous higher costs' that have been put in the comments thus far.  I believe that all financial entities are already on computers for transaction processing and the speed with which the computers handle transactions is high due to the financial entities attempting to get a 'leg up' on their competition.  The faster this and other rules get implemented to allow visibility and fairness into price discovery into the U.S Financial Markets the more global respect we shall have.