Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Jacob Strickland
From: Jacob Strickland

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 I believe that implementing this proposal is critical to a healthy market structure. For far too long predatory financial giants and hedge funds have weakened and in many cases destroyed good businesses that make the USA the most economically powerful country in the world. By being able to conceal lending practices for two week blocks, most Americans are left totally in the dark with what is happening behind the scenes of any investments they hold regarding lending practices.

I explicitly support transparency on a transaction by transaction basis. I also explicitly support strict adherence to the 15 minute reporting structure. A free market can only be free if information flows freely to all participants.

The markets have experienced a tremendous resurgence in activity from retail investors, and this rule significantly benefits the average investor. Without critical information regarding lending practices, how can a retail investor make education decisions on investments, as the SEC recommends.

This rule does not just benefit the average American investor, it protects US national security by preventing unchecked abuse of our economic structures by predatory financial institutions and hedge funds.