Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from J.A. Walker
From: J.A. Walker
Affiliation: Film Industry

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 It is imperative that the SEC moves forward and allows for more transparency within the market system.

Financial institutions are granted tools and information far beyond what any single retail investor would have access to. This gives them far too much of an advantage with the ability to \"move in the dark\".

In this day and age it has never been more clear that it is Us Vs. Them.

Retail investors would not be the only group to benefit from this rule being enacted. Smaller retail businesses also stand to have a better grasp of what is going on with their stock as well.

Long, incoherent, and untracked lending chains, can lead to economic fragility. Securities lending activity can hide massively destructive chains of obligation that can even be a threat to national security, by way of risky bets teetering on a razor's edge. That being said, transparency in this area is more important than it has ever been.

The public should be heard  loud and clear on this one , moreso than the voice of the pearl clutching 1% who say \"pretty please don't make me report my shorts.\"

They are becoming irrelevant whether they like it or not as decentralized finance moves closer into the public's grasp.

 We are all watching now harder than ever and at no extra cost to the SEC. All we ask is that you ENFORCE free and fair markets.