Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Matthew Paced
From: Matthew Paced
Affiliation: Cleaveland School of the Totally [REDACTED]

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 Thank you for allowing commentary on this proposal.  Here are my comments from watching the markets now for about 10 years as a retail investor.

- Transparency means transparency and aggregates are not transparent.

The 15 minute requirement is particularly important and the cost and effort are justified to prevent fraud and prevent hiding in loopholes.

- \"Short selling in the dark\" harms competition and price discovery. Shine the light on all these practices. For Christ sake you have an instrument called \"dark pools\" and nobody realizes they said the quiet part out loud.  If it sounds like someplace you're likely to get hurt, it probably is.

- If funds are allowed to short in the dark, retail investors remain dangerously unaware of the risks they take on when purchasing securities.

- The investing public is better at policing these institutions than the SEC, the financial media and congress put together--but we need transparency and information to do the work for you.  Open the info spigot and we'll take care of the rest.
