Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from William Cusick
From: William Cusick
Affiliation: none

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 To whom it May Concern,

I am but a small retail trader, and I believe that this rule specifically will hurt my ability to have a clear and transparent view of market phenomenon, orders, and overall market health. By implementing this rule, I will be affected negatively to a disproportionate percentage.

If large institutions are not required to report their positions and individual transactions, I will be put on the chopping block and, as Jeff Yass of Susquehanna put it around the late 80s, I'll become a, \"mark\", as he, a \"trader with more knowledge and resources\" could bully me out of the market by simply hiding his trades, and destroying my positions without any ability for recourse on my part - so I must comment, as that is pre-emptive recourse.

I believe that this rule, s7-18-21 will help protect me as a retail trader, and will help keep large institutions who have thousands of orders of magnitude more influence than I do from destroying me and my life.