Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Vincent Justiniano
From: Vincent Justiniano
Affiliation: None

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 I am strongly in favor of transaction by transaction reporting. We are in dire need for greater transparency within our system and this is a much better step forward than our current aggregate style (which allows the opportunity for obfuscation of truths and genuine positions).

I strongly support the 15 minute reporting requirement. This is critical to preventing fraud within the system and last second adjustments for the two week reporting model.

This model is much more fair to potential victimized companies and gives a much more equitable opportunity to adjust and strategize to manage potential short-sellers.

Retail investors like myself greatly benefit from this change. It is on us individually to do our research and this provides a great source of information for us to be able to utilize to best protect our investments.

The increased transparency of the 15 minute transaction by transaction model is critical to strengthening the SEC, which is also a very good thing. This gives the public a chance to notice and monitor potential fraud and to be able to provide that information over to you all for deeper analysis.