Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Michael Brady
From: Michael Brady
Affiliation: Public School Teacher

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 As a retail investor I support transaction-by-transaction reporting. It eliminates the ability to hide within an aggregate .I support the 15 minute reporting requirement. The extra cost is justified to provide a market free from fraud and nefarious loopholes. Victimized Companies need to be able to defend themselves from predatory short sellers and this rule would benefit those companies. This rule also makes the market more transparent and provides retail investors such as myself to ability to accurately evaluate risks before investing. In short this will provide the \"little guy\" with a way to even the playing field with massive hedge funds and corporate players. As a retail investor we need more transparency. I never cared for anyone to look in my closet unless I was hiding something I didn't want discovered.