Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Carey Vickers
From: Carey Vickers

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 I support transaction-by-transaction reporting because it reduces the ability to hide within the aggregate. Yes, it will cost time and money, but the 15-minute reporting requirement is imperative to prevent fraud and hiding in loopholes. Hiding short selling harms true competition and price discovery. It's shameful that large entities with a lot of money to throw around \"know best\" and can harm unsuspecting companies without the public knowing. Retail will benefit from increased transparency. I and many of my fellow retail traders have a better idea of the risks to ourselves, rather than a multibillion-dollar company that acts in a nameless-faceless manner making decisions about what I should and should not know. The public is imperative in rooting out securities fraud and the more information we have the more we can help.