Subject: Comment for proposed rule S7-18-21
From: Samuel Meadows

Mar. 31, 2022

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My name is Sam M, I am a Retail Investor and below is my comment for File No: S7-18-21 (A copy of the comment is also attached as a .txt file):

I am a concerned retail investor and I hope my comment displays my approval for this rule and rules that increase transparency in general.

This rule would be great for increasing transparency of securities lending. It is extremely important that no entity (Market maker, Institution etc.) be excluded from this reporting. No exemptions should be made.

Securities Lending should be transparent, in favour of those whose shares are lent out and monitored. I believe that the SECs own introduction says it best: “The securities lending market is opaque). Please do everything possible to bring some transparency and, through transparency, fairness.

This rule gives me hope that the system is being made fairer and that the SEC is working to fix the systemic issues that have infected the market.

Thank you for taking the time to read my comment and thank you for your work!