Subject: File #: S7-18-21
From: Crystal Glenn

Feb. 25, 2022

Dear SEC, 

Thank you for allowing the opportunity to comment on the recent proposal to increase transparency on short selling activity.  

In the past year, the malicious and abusive practices of short sellers have been brought to light. It is incredibly obvious what has been taking place, even to someone who does not trade professionally.  

Forcing financial institutions who hold large short positions to report where and from who they are receiving shares, and for how much is imperative to restoring the financial integrity and faith in the American market. A repeat of 2008 crash is imminent if rules such as this are not passed and it could already be too late. High frequency trading and lack of transparency from short sellers has put the retail trader at an unfair advantage as well as the entire market at extreme risk. It is up to the SEC to level the playing field and do everything in their power to maintain stability.  

I have full confidence that Chairman Gary Gensler is the man for the job and the American people are honored to have him serve us. 

Thank you, 

Crystal Glenn