Subject: S7-18-21
From: HDanforth N/A

Feb. 07, 2022

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Dear SEC , 
As a farmer and retail investor, please find my perspective on the recent SEC rule  Exchange Act Rule 10c-1 below. 

It is imperative for a level playing field for all market participants to have access to information regarding loaned shares. The loans of my shares are currently lent by brokers without my knowledge or consent; I am a beneficial owner of the shares, and these loans have the effect of diluting the value of my hard earned investments and corrupting the integrity of the shareholders votes in security issuer affairs. 

America must have a free and fair market.  America will be stronger with a fair and fair market.  Transparency is not something to be feared but embraced by market participants.  To those that seek to limit market access to information, essentially they are showing us that they are weak and do not deserve the American public’s retirement funds and savings to be in their care, if they can only succeed if they operate in dark pools and back rooms. 

Moreover  it is inappropriate to use a loaned share to close a Failure To Deliver. There is no delivery of a real share in this case. This rule falls short in that regard, yet is still a step in the right direction.  Enforcement, with real consequences, is critical for the corruption and incompetence that made so many Americans destitute in 2008, to end.  If you can’t make it on a level playing field you don’t deserve to be in business. 

In closing, do the right thing for America and the American People – you work for us. 

Sincerely a tax payer and a concerned citizen, 

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