Subject: Re: Reporting of Securities Loans. (File No. S7‐18‐21)
From: Dan Jamieson

Jan. 19, 2022

Vanessa Countryman
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F St NE
Washington, DC 20549

Re: Reporting of Securities Loans. (File No. S7‐18‐21)

Dear Ms. Countryman:

As a retiree and active investor, I generally support the comments of The Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund, and Better Markets. These groups encourage the SEC to approve the proposal and possibly strengthen some of the provisions.

I would also note that it seems the short-sale borrowing function does not work well. "Meme" stocks that run up in price are often not available to be borrowed at the very time short sellers could play a role in reducing volatility. The same holds for new IPOs, some of which come out at widely inflated prices. Borrow fees on some ETFs seem way out of line--more than 100% in some cases. Even some widely held and traded ETFs have fees several times higher than their underlying liquid individual stocks. 

My hope would be that this proposal is a first step in taming a wild and opaque securities-lending market.


Dan Jamieson