Subject: Release No. 34-93613; File No. S7-18-21
From: Rob Kollin

Jan. 7, 2022

January 7. 2022
Robert Kollin

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 
100 F Street NE
Washington, DC 20549 
Re: Reporting of Securities Loans: File Number S7-18-21
 As a working professional, College Faculty Member, I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the SEC’s proposed new rule.  My "why" is I have 15-25 more working years and my expectation is that the stock market is an equal playing field for individual investors along the side of large firms.  Equal and fair access to capital markets strengthens the middle-class. 
Over the last 12 months, my perspective is that short selling is not well managed today.  The lack of reported data regarding firm’s short positions limits all investors and industry to make data driven decisions.  The details provided, in the fact sheet, should be reported real-time and made available, also real-time. 
As the stock market has many strengths, one of the current pinch points is the practice of illegal short selling.  The practice of creating a synthetic share that is short, increasing downward pricing pressure. 
Rob Kollin