Subject: File No. S7-18-21
From: Alan Cazares
Affiliation: Logistics Services

March 30, 2022

Rules like 10c-1 aiming for market transparency are utterly needed. I would even say no market should even be operating if the authorities supposed to regulate and protect it cannot even see what is going on.

I mean, how can you enforce a rule and sanction a wrongdoer if you cant even tell what is going on?

There are a lot of mechanisms on the stock market enviroment not properly set or regulated and thus can be exploited. Even if they were created for a good reason, it wont matter if a loop hole allows someone to exploit and benefit from it.

At this point, anything that can be done in regards of transparency, enforcement and regulation should be addressed right away and with top priority status as there is a blatant wrongdoing going on right now and nothing is being done about it.

Entities are exploting ability to postpone or restart due dates for covering, frecuency of reporting to hide their actions and lack of transparecy to do as they please while they claim they are doing it rightfully and to keep a healthy market.

Until you implement and enforce new rules to prevent them from exploiting loopholes in rules, reporting and regulation, issues such as 2008 will continue to happen and the first step needed for this is being able to actually see what they are doing.

In order For this, in my opinion, daily reporting and a third regulatory party are a must since self reporting and self-regulation has proven to be, at least, useless.

People deserve a better set of rules, a better market and better authorities that can actually notice whats going on and act towards keeping it fair for all involved parties.