Subject: File No. S7-18-21
From: Curtis Robinson

January 24, 2022

First: How is this even up for debate? How is there a fair system that allows for the borrow of a commodity without any real due date. Or allow the actually commodity to be paid back with an IOU. Or how is it that a fair system can allow the IOU to be someone else naked IOU?I feel like this is all i need to say to prove my point that as a retail trader I am barred from the actual market that makes money since i can't naked short shares and disables me from voting and participating as a share holder in the company i support since I can't actually buy an actually damn share, but instead get a fake naked and useless IOU share. I hope those at the SEC actually start to pay attention to how the markets work and how wall street is playing the SEC and in tern robbing Americans