Subject: File No. S7-18-21
From: Garrett Stevens

January 23, 2022

I believe something needs to change and this is it. Seems like there are new rules set in place but none ever seen to have any effect on the blatant market manipulation sweeping a crossed the \"entire\" market. There needs to be actual transparency. For as long as I have been investing so called transparency is nonexistent and those saying they are for retail are wolves in sheep's clothing. The market is far from fair and needs to be on a more level playing field.

Something has got to change or 2008 will happen again.

Retail brings in mass amounts of liquidity just to be stolen with ease, hedge funds are already way over leveraged with their hands in 30% or more of all trades on the market. No wonder the whole market bleeds red, They have the ability to drop anything whenever they feel like it.

S7-18-21 may be a push in the right direction.