Subject: File No. S7-18-21
From: John Church
Affiliation: small miner

January 4, 2022

There is no need for delay.
Do what is right, honest and truthful for the citizen retail investors of the world.
Save our corporations from vicious attacks and ruination. Any \"thing\" saying their business supersedes lawful behavior, and pays stupid cheap fines repeatedly, is corrupt. Why the laws on front running are not enforced leaves me shocked.
The bad actors abusing the system need scraped off.
from Dan Liefwalker:
Notify shareholders when their shares are being lent.

Revenue sharing to the individual whose shares are lent by brokerages

Borrowers must purchase the stocks before lending for short positions

Borrowers must have a due date when the shares must be returned, or face fines in excess of the value of the shares at the due date. Otherwise, it will continue to be a profitable business model to naked short stocks and risk a small fine on billion dollar counterfeiting schemes

Tracking of all shares by simple serial numbers or barcodes associated with every share, and its current ownership (if borrowed).

Deadlines for the transition to this fair market, with external experts that are not associated with the financial markets (scientists and engineers) to be available to help with the transition

There is simply no excuse for the inability to track all stocks. Computational scientists have solved these issues long ago and are regularly used in next-gen combinatorial resolution experiments where cellular data is multiplexed. I can easily be implemented, and as this issue becomes more illuminate all investors will begin to have doubts in the NYSE and move their assets into more transparent and fair markets, again to the great detriment of American citizens.

In conclusion, this is on you. What is done is the responsibility of our public servants. If you do not intend on serving the public faithfully, ya'll need to move on.

John Church
owner Swordfish Mining