Subject: File No. S7-18-21
From: IDAT

January 4, 2022

Do better and do more.

The market is a public bazaar. The SEC touts to protect the investor.

There should be no debate regarding information available to EVERYONE.

It's absurd for investors to be unaware of who has their property and what they're doing with it. The only reason to hide, delayed or obfuscate this information is to use deceit to leverage against the uninformed.

There is ZERO reason or excuse to hide, delay or interfere with open access to where securities move, how, when and who.

This is the free market, the entire principle of it's function is to allow for honest price discovery. Every attempt to interfere with reporting and regulation is criminal and unethical.

Do more. Do better.
Protect the people who need protection from the people who seek to profit by obfuscation and confusion.

There have been decades of examples to show greedy people with do greedy things when they're left unregulated. Stop allowing any wiggle room. These are 1s and 0s. Stop the manipulation of numbers