Subject: Re: File No. S7-16-18
From: Per Krook

Nov. 19, 2018

Dear Sir, 

My comment has not been published, and I am curious as to why? 

Best regards, 
Per Krook 

Den fre 9 nov. 2018 kl 05:20 skrev Per Krook [redacted]: 

The “anonymous” opinion filed on Oct. 31, 2018 states that “Given how greed can impact reasoning, I personally think awards should be substantial but limited. This is not Powerball”; clearly this person does not understand that Powerball is simply based on luck, whilst whistleblowing is based on skill, integrity, bravery, brains and an ambition to prevent abuse in the financial markets which once exposed, will benefit all Main Street Investors (i.e. each and everyone of us who are savers!), as once the misconduct is exposed it will simply not be repeated and the perpetrators will not be able to carry on enriching themselves in the same way at our expense going forward, i.e. whistleblowing is all about the Power of having the Balls to expose wrongdoing..! 

Do you work for Goldman Sachs [ ] or Sullivan & Cromwell [ ] by any chance or perhaps both just like the conflicted SEC Chairman did who has enabled the proposal to limit awards for large case whistleblowers (i.e. cases pertaining to the likes of his former clients and his very own firm!)? 

The same “anonymous” person think that “the SEC should have the flexibility to adjust an award upwards/downwards as it sees fit so long as reasoning is provided”. Please explain to us, who is "the SEC” in your opinion; the all but impartial Chairman with the casting vote who has built his fortune on advising the likes of Goldman Sachs in relation to transactions like the one pertaining to 1MDB? I’m confident he as a lawyer is more than able to motivate any award to be reduced so that hardly any whistleblower will see it worthwhile to step forward. 

Since only transparency can convince the general public, when will Chairman Clayton address all the questions raised within the scope of this enquiry? 

God Bless the Staff with integrity at the SEC who are relentlessly working to protect us all from the establishment who has now infiltrated the SEC through politics, God Bless Whistleblowers and God Bless America 

Per Krook