Subject: File No.
From: Chander Sharma
Affiliation: MetLife FSR

October 29, 2010

As a registered representative I strongly object to the new proposal allowing broker/dealers setting their own service fees. I am afraid that our middle and lower end market clients will be the losers in this situation as shopping for the lowest price may lead them to unexperienced or overloaded representatives who offer bulk rather than quality service.

I am a successful professional, I offer individualized service specifically designed to each of my clients needs. Many of my clients seek advise that requires great expertise, therefore it is crucial for me to continuously educate myself to be able to serve my clients as best as I can. I would like to be able to continue to focus on providing quality service. Competing against prohibitively low service fees will force many broker/dealers including myself to abandon this strategy in lieu of accumulating volume to offset my financial ability to stay in business.

In my opinion, middle market clients as well as middle market broker/dealers will be adversely affected by this proposed change.