Subject: File No.
From: Bradley B Burr

October 27, 2010

RE: File Number S7-15-10

I have been in the investment business for over 26 years, back when mutual funds had an 8.5% sales load. The clients understood they had to pay for service. I agree that was a bit aggressive so tweaking of the sales charges were necessary. I support the new SEC rule 12b-2, which would continue the 25 basis points fee to provide investors with service from their servicing broker. I do have a problem with B/Ds being able to set their own fee for their services. To me this will eliminate the necessary service for the smaller clients, since they usually do not have enough assets to charge an annual fee and most investment people are not looking for pro bono opportunities. If there becomes a price war the little people will be forgotten.

Thank you for your consideration

Bradley B. Burr, CFP
SagePoint Financial