Subject: S7-14-23: Webform Comments from Andrew Bushnell
From: Andrew Bushnell

Dec. 20, 2023

I strongly urge immediate consideration of new rules to
fix proxy voting in public companies and to eliminate failures to
deliver on trades. If the SEC intends to make protecting retail
investors and maintaining fair markets genuine priorities, there must
be protections for when retail investors exercise or abstain from
exercising their voting rights, and for all parties to complete all
obligations on time. Additionally, any person or entity that fails to
deliver should be immediately required to cover and only be allowed to
participate in the market after being banned from all trades for
exponentially longer than they failed to meet their obligation. 

The current proxy process is broken and fails to protect retail
investors. No person or entity, other than the retail investors
themselves, should be allowed to vote the shares of the retail
investors. Additionally, every retail investor exercising their right
to vote should always have their vote counted.

No person or entity should be allowed to participate in the market
while simultaneously failing to meet the obligations of trades already
made. FTDs undermine the fairness, efficiency, and trust in the

These two issues must be placed among the SEC's top priorities,
not deferred.

Thank you.