Subject: S7-14-22: WebForm Comments from Guy Thomas
From: Guy Thomas
Affiliation: Retail Investor

Oct. 30, 2022

October 30, 2022

 It has come to my awareness that the CFTC has further extended swaps reporting exemptions and as a retail Investor I find this abhorrent, irresponsible, indicative of corruption and therefore self-defeating towards the stated end goal of the SEC and CFTC.

The SEC and CFTC are the only defence retail investors have in an otherwise corrupt and predatory market. The purposes of the SEC and CFTC therefore are to promote fair and orderly markets while also setting conditions that prohibit and prevent corruption.

Transparency removes the cloak that bad actors need in order to disguise rules abuse and manipulation. With the above being clearly stated, it is therefore bewildering that the CFTC has chosen to extend the swaps reporting extension.

Why hide? Why disguise? What exactly is being hidden?

During a period of maximum market distrust, it seems awfully corrupt to hide the very data that retail investors deserve to see, in order to begin trusting the market once again. It seems rather, that the CFTC and SEC are currently aiding and abetting criminal manipulation of swaps. I am ashamed by the actions of the US capital market 'regulators' and implore you to change course, remove the swaps reporting exemptions and pursue the transparency that tax paying Americans are paying you for.

Is it time to disregard the SEC, and instead start contacting the DOJ?